Student Conduct/Providing False Information (p. 9)/Misrepresentation of Information A. - Students may not knowingly furnish false or misleading information to University or Law Enforcement officials.
Student Conduct/Failure to Comply (p. 7)/Failure to Comply B. - Failure to follow the reasonable directions of University officials (including 小蓝视频 Police, faculty and/or staff), law enforcement agents, or officials at other colleges and universities that are necessary for the proper conduct of the University and University community.
Probation: Probation effectively immediately through Spring 2020. Any further violations while on Probation may result in a student's suspension or dismissal from the University. The Chapter will remain on disciplinary probation status, at least, through the date indicated or until the date all assigned sanctions have been completed, whichever occurs later.
Other: Once a new timeline for membership intake has been discussed with and approved by the Center of Student Involvement and Leadership, notification must be sent to the Assistant Dean for Student Conduct along with confirmation that all necessary paperwork has been appropriately filed with the University prior to any intake activities taking place. The Chapter is required to meet weekly with the Coordinator of Student Life in the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership to ensure that is it complying with all requirements through the end of its upcoming intake process.
Other: The Chapter must submit a calendar of events and marketing plan to the Coordinator of Student Life prior to hosting any events and/or by September 13, 2019, whichever occurs sooner. The marketing plan must pay particular attention to providing a clear distinction between social events, which may occur prior to the intake process, and informational/interest meetings, which take place during the intake process.
Other: To assist in leadership transition, the Chapter must develop a guide for future leaders including primary responsibilities for each position, University policies and procedures relevant to each, and guidance on how to ensure compliance. This resource must be submitted to the Assistant Dean for Student Conduct and the Coordinator of Student Life by November 29, 2019.